
The Second Day

Hi there,

At 8.30 am we had bagels, apples, bananas or cereal for breakfast. After that our New York adventure began. In our (what we called it) Party Bus we drove to the city where our guide was waiting for us. He was a funny man with a weird looking moustache and a lightsaber (instead of an umbrella, what most guides use) so we could follow him on the streets. He told us a lot about the city and the buildings. We were supposed to eat our lunch (I had a chicken wrap) in Central park, but it started raining just before we got out of the bus. When we thought the rain stopped we started walking through Strawberry Park. Soon we got soaked by the rain. It happened again and again and again. Unfortunately it was also raining when we walked across the Brooklyn Bridge. By this time we had a different guide. We could recognize him because of his baseball bat. There was a thunderstorm nearby, so it was a bit scary. It was quite an adventure though. Our bus was supposed to wait for us on the other side of the bridge, but he wasn’t there. Our guide decided to take us to an Ice cream shop and wait for the bus there.

We had dinner at the Hard Rock Café and went to Top of the Rock at night. We were able to see New York from the 67th floor. I literally don’t have any words to describe the view, but I’ll try to get close by using the words AMAZING, BREATHTAKING and PERFECT. Too bad we only got 15 minutes up there because of our busy schedule. After that we drove back to the hotel, took a shower and went to bed.

You’d think the rain was terrible, but it was also very special to have experienced that in New York. It was a shame though that my passport got soaked and another girls phone died.




Vergeet je nooit meer.! Noodweer in New York!!!!


Wat een enthousiasme! Het lijkt wel of je leven op het ogenblik 1 feest is. Wat een geluk dat de lessen zo makkelijk voor je zijn,nu kun je je helemaal op leuke dingen storten! Wat een gezellig slaapje had je ,wat vond je '' pleegmoeder '' er van? Laat je niet uit bed duwen,want ze pikken steeds een groter stuk als ze de kans krijgen!!!Dag.Soms , bij het lezen van jouw verhalen denk ik wel eens "zit ze op een Hi school of in een holydaycamp" Opa.

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